Bruno’s Supermarkets – Mgmt. Meetings


Encore Please!

Bruno’s Management Banquet & Meeting

Birmingham, AL – Oct 25th / Mobile, AL – Oct. 26th

Bruno’s Supermarkets has 23  grocery stores, in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. When Roger Paiml – Sr. Key Accounts Mgr. for Alabama & Mississippi, wanted to make an impact on this key retailer, he brought in Rick Gerber to make it happen.  Roger discussed with Rick his objectives and they determined that a low key approach during lunch would be a great way to introduce Rick to the group.

Keeping a low profile, Rick goes to work creating a “Buzz” in the room.
Suddenly, all eyes in the room are focused on the A-B Master Illusionist

picture-clipping-4Because of the tremendous response from lunch, Rick is asked to kick-off the afternoon session. This gave A-B an exclusive opportunity to capture the mindshare of Bruno’s executive management and store managers and to thank them on behalf of Anheuser-Busch for their continued support.

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