Why Magic Sells

I’ve specialized in creating magic promotions for over thirty years.  Fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the greatest marketing and sales minds in the world. They have helped me shape my own personal guidelines for creating successful sales promotions. Through this blog I plan to share my knowledge so others can learn how to maximize the effectiveness of magic as a sales/marketing tool.

The one underlying question that ALWAYS needs to be answered as I create a magic themed sales promotion is – Does the promotion create a positive emotional connection with the product?  If so, then every time people recollect that moment of magic, they remember the product!  

There is a very fine line when presenting magic.  If it’s not utilized in a promotion or campaign properly it can come across as very cheap and gimmicky.  But magic, especially really great magic, has the ability to create memories that can last a lifetime. When magic is put to use correctly, it becomes one of the most powerful visual mediums on this planet. Great magic is truly remarkable to watch, and when a product or message is properly integrated into that magical experience, the product recollection is carried forward for many years…sometimes forever.

I plan to expand upon this subject over the course of several more blog entries…but more importantly, I’d like to hear your thoughts about this subject…so keep those comments coming in!

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