Social Magic – Learn Fun Tricks & Puzzles

Soon there will be a new section on this site. I’m calling it…are you ready? Drum roll please…Social Magic. Rather creative, don’t you think?  Some of my magic buddies and I are going to teach you fun, easy, to learn magic tricks and puzzles to use as a social icebreaker to meet new friends.  If you’re in the service industry they can help you increase tips. If you’re in sales, they can help create customer relationships.

Magicians have known for years that magic, when presented properly, can be a great icebreaker that brings people together. During my career I’ve performed magic in almost every conceivable environment. I say almost because, just when I think I’ve seen it all, I discover something new.

My little secret to success is that the magic I choose to perform MUST create a social connection that encourages people to open up and talk to one another.  I want people to make new friends and have fun. The focus is not on me; the spotlight is on the magic experience and creating an environment where people want to share that moment.

I’ve been extremely lucky. While I work very hard at what I do, it never really feels like work. At the end of my work day I’m exhausted, but I’ve spent the day surrounded by people, from all walks of life, that are smiling, laughing, meeting new people and having a great time. How can anyone ever tire of this? I sure can’t.

In the meantime, if you have a fun, easy to do trick or puzzle that you think falls within my criteria, e-mail it to me.  If I post it on my site I’ll make sure to give you credit.

Stay tune…Social Magic is coming soon!

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