Magic Sells Beer – Retailer Relationship Building

Part 6 of a Continuing Series…

The A-B Master Illusionist Program is a tool that can help build strong retailer relationships. We are constantly searching for ways to separate ourselves from the competition, especially with gestures that can uniquely identify A-B in a way that is positive and memorable.

Golf, sporting events, dinners, etc., are all wonderful ways to help build retailer relationships. These staples have been available to us for years, but our competition has access to these same tools. That’s where the A-B Master Illusionist Program fits in. This unique program separates us from the rest of the pack. When it comes to one-and-one retailer relationship building, our competition has nothing to offer that is remotely comparable.

I sometimes hear that my appearances are not cost justifiable when you only need me for a couple of hours to appear at a cocktail party or for a VIP dinner. Some of this was discussed in part 3 – Magic Sells Beer – Working Smarter Saves You Money. But I would like to offer you another approach.

Say you decide to do a nice foursome golf outing with lunch, it will cost about $500 to entertain three people. Two game tickets with dinner in a suite is about $400. Of course these people are your key points of contact, so it’s worth it, right? But let’s take it one step forward?

If instead of only reaching two or three key people, what if you could also reach their bosses or entire office support staff, and do in a way that would leave everyone talking about it for months to come? And on top of that, what if it was done in such a way so that your direct contact was the one who got all the credit and gets to be the hero?

The A-B Master Illusionist Program does all of that. Okay, yes it will cost you more than $500, but imagine the response you would get if you brought me in for a retailer’s meeting, management or employee function, company BBQ, employee family day, holiday party, etc. You’re no longer reaching two or three people…you’re reaching a ton of people. The response and appreciation are HUGE!

And because of this program’s 30-year heritage, there is a uniqueness behind these appearances that are both impressive and memorable. Think about it; when you tell a retailer that you are bringing the Budweiser Corporate Magician to their event, the first response is, “Budweiser has a corporate magician?”  The idea is so unique and interesting that it instantly becomes both a conversation point and memorable.

More importantly, this gesture goes a long, long way! The secretary or receptionist you deal with every time you’re there, or the pricing analyst that never gets tickets to the game, or the shelf set managers and staff that don’t golf. In one grand gesture you will create a memorable experience in all these people’s lives that they will remember and talk about for many years…and through it all, you get to benefit from this extended relationship.

This program can offer wholesalers and field sales a lot in the area of retailer relationship building. For those of you that have brought me in to help you with this, please share your experiences here so others can read about the positive results this type of appearance can bring.

For those of you that might still be on the fence, let me know what you think. I’m confident that if you want to give this a try, I can make it happen. After all…I am a magician!

“Magic Sells Beer” is an open forum for sharing ideas and thoughts about the A-B Master Illusionist Program. Please take a moment to leave me a comment about how you think this program could help you with your retailer relationship building.

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