A-B Master Illusionist Scores Touchdown
Performance Flexibility Proves To Be A
Phoenix, AZ
The A-B Master Illusionist was the leading rusher during three days of hard-hitting Bud Bowl activities. Rick’s pre-game blitz had him performing at concerts, parties, on/off premise trade calls and VIP hospitality.

Rick Gerber has played a part in A-B’s onsite Bud Bowl promotions at over twenty Super Bowls. Just like an NFL quarterback, Rick knows how to work a play, but also understands the importance of flexibility.
His unprecedented Bud Bowl experience gives him the unique ability to call audibles in order to keep the offensive drive going, our competition scrambling, and our fans cheering for more. It’s safe to say that Rick Gerber has scored more extra points then anyone in Bud Bowl franchise history.
Rick’s magic contributed to Bud Bowl 2008 by gaining big yards during:
- Trade calls (on/off premise)
- Bud Bowl street party
- Private Bud Bowl on-premise club promotions
- VIP breakfast and lunch hospitality (host hotel)
- Game-day site hospitality
- VIP golf event

The A-B Master Illusionist also stopped by for a few NRS retailer dinners and performed some “relationship building” magic. Rick knows the importance of being a team player! Put Rick Gerber in your next game and let him score you a touchdown.