NRS Leverages
The A-B Magic Guy
To Help Solidify
Thorntons Relationship
Louisville, KY

I love working retailer meetings. Magic allows us to cut through the clutter and make memorable and lasting impressions at the senior management level. Barry Gray – NRS, brought in to work my magic at Thorntons 1st annual management meeting. After discussing possible opportunities with Barry, we determined that the best way to maximize my appearance was to perform strolling magic during:
• Beertails
• Dinner
• After dinner festivities
When I brought in Rick Gerber to entertain at Thorntons Annual Meeting, I knew he would do a great job – but I had no idea just how impactful Rick would be. While having dinner with Thorntons Senior Category Manager for Beverages, Rick’s magic seemed to make our competitors disappear – and they were sitting right there!
I’ll be able to leverage Rick’s appearance for many months to come. Not only did Rick make a huge impression on my buyer, but he also made my him look like a hero in front of his boss – Matt Thornton, President & CEO.
I would not hesitate to utilize Rick’s talents again in the future and recommend him wholeheartedly to my fellow coworkers.
Barry Gray
Sr. Key Account Manager – Chicago